A pedestrian zone at NE 65th Street & 35th Avenue NE?

Our city is booming. Last year, 21,900 people moved into Seattle. By 2035, the city is expected to grow by 120,000 people and 115,000 jobs. Between 2000 and 2010, the population of Ravenna-Bryant increased by 1,810 people.

green house
The “Big Green House” on 35th Ave NE near NE 73rd Street was demolished earlier this year. Photo thanks to Wedgwood in Seattle History: http://wedgwoodinseattlehistory.com/2015/02/17/the-big-green-house-thanks-for-the-memories/

As is evident by the multiple cranes that are now part of our skyline, the boom in population is leading to a boom in development. We see it downtown, in South Lake Union, and in Ravenna-Bryant. Change is everywhere, including along 35th Avenue NE.

In addition to changes to The Theodora and the development of Bryant Heights in the southern area of R-B, the “Big Green House” where R-B and Wedgwood meet provides a good example of changes in our community.

Where the Big Green House used to stand, town homes are being built. Those town homes will have very little to no commercial space, which is not what the community said we wanted. Neighbors have repeatedly reported wanting places to walk to and an inviting business district with destinations like bookstores and restaurants. To do this, more commercial space is needed.

Community change prompted many R-B and Wedgwood neighbors to participate in Wednesday evening’s meeting hosted by the Department of Planning & Development (DPD) in partnership with RBCA and the Wedgwood Community Council.

65th node
DPD’s board suggesting that the area along 35th Avenue NE just north of NE 65th Street be designated a pedestrian zone (in orange).

During the meeting, DPD shared recommendations they have for changing zoning along 35th from NE 65th Street in Ravenna-Bryant up through Wedgwood. Their recommendations were guided by a plan the community developed over the past few years. Since a community can only go so far in turning plans into reality, DPD was asked by community members to step in and help move plans forward.

At NE 65th Street and 35th Ave NE, DPD recommends that instead of increasing the heights of buildings, the area could be designated as a pedestrian zone, like the area around NE 75th Street and 35th Ave NE.

In pedestrian zones (P Zones):

  • Residential uses may occupy no more than 20% of the street-level street-facing building facade.
  • Buildings cannot have large blank facades on the street-facing pedestrian level.
  • A parking lot on the building site cannot be in front of the building or abut the street. Parking must be under the building or behind it.

These regulations are meant to encourage businesses to open and increase pedestrian activity.

The R-B and Wedgwood communities can reject DPD’s zoning suggestions along with zoning recommendations in the community-developed plan, which are much more ambitious than DPD’s. This is the time for the community to decide: do we want development along 35th to keep happening like it has been, or do we want to encourage development that creates a vibrant, walkable business district? Either way, change is afoot.

What do you think? Provide feedback to DPD via their online survey.

Restoration and Construction Set to Begin at Theodora Site

The Theodora 6559 35 NE
The Theodora 6559 35 NE

65th and 35th is a busy place these days with the construction at Bryant Heights and the Theodora, right across the street.  RBCA has always known that change was coming to our neighborhood and was involved in the Future of 35th Ave NE Project.  On Wednesday June 24th from 6-7:30 at Congregation Beth Shalom, the City of Seattle’s Department of Planning and Development (DPD) will ask for feedback from the community about the potential up zoning along 35th Ave from NE 65th to NE 95th that was endorsed by the 35th Ave Committee, RBCA, and the Wedgwood Community Council. Goodman Real Estate has provided the following information to RBCA about their project on 35th Ave NE, just south of the NE Library.

“Construction and staging activity at the Theodora is photo (5)underway as the project prepares for interior renovations to the existing Theodora units and common spaces, exterior cleaning and painting, refreshed landscaping, and the addition of new units in the existing south parking lot.

In addition, activity through the summer and fall will include:

  • Cleaning the building exterior and repainting all wood to match the existing color
  • Installation of new entries at the north and the east sides of the building to help open up the building to better pedestrian access
  • Excavation at the south parking lot for a new below grade parking garage
  • Construction of new apartment units over the new parking garage

As construction begins to ramp up, we will also ensure regular communication with Polygon and their NE 65th St. project.

A month or so ago, the Volunteers of America (previous site owner) and Goodman Real Estate (current owner) finalized the transition of all previous Theodora residents to new permanent housing. Residents worked closely with a relocation specialist to help determine their new housing needs – one of the positive results of this work was that 73 percent of residents were able to stay in Seattle.

All residents who received Section 8 subsidized rent were able to retain their reduced-rent vouchers and use them in their new homes. In addition, 12 residents who were not currently receiving Section 8 subsidized housing vouchers were qualified through the relocation process and now receive federal rent subsidies.

Assuming we have approval from the Landmarks Board, we plan to discuss these updates and provide detailed information about parking, traffic planning, overall design and plans for the south building, as well as our onsite tree and shrub plan when we attend the Ravenna Bryant Community Association July 7th board meeting.

In the meantime, questions about construction or timelines should be directed to Rita Burden at rburden@goodmanre.com.

June 24: Provide input about creating a vibrant 35th Ave NE

At the urging of the Future of 35th Ave NE Project, supported by both the Ravenna-Bryant Community Association and the Wedgwood Community Council, Seattle’s Department of Planning & Development (DPD) is considering zoning changes to the neighborhood business districts along 35th Ave NE at the cross-streets of NE 65th, 75th, 85th, and 95th Streets, to provide more opportunities for retail goods and services. This rezone could involve changing some areas currently zoned for low rise development to neighborhood commercial, increasing the height allowed in existing neighborhood commercial zones from 30 feet to 40 feet, and designating the business districts at NE 65th and 95th Streets as pedestrian zones.

DPD will hold a meeting on Wednesday, June 24th, to gain input from the community. This meeting will help the City evaluate whether the community is supportive of the proposed zoning changes and their effect on the way 35th Ave NE functions. Come and share your thoughts about how to make 35th a more vibrant commercial experience.

Meeting details:
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Congregation Beth Shalom
6800 35th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98115

5:30 – 6:00 p.m. — Open house
6:00 – 6:20 p.m. — Presentation and general questions
6:30 – 7:30 p.m. — Open house, recommendation-specific questions, and comments

Feedback is also being sought through an online survey.

Community input will be shared with the Mayor and City Council, and DPD will report back to the community afterwards. Out of respect for the venue, please do not bring any food to this meeting.

What is a pedestrian zone?

In Ravenna-Bryant, the pedestrian zone designation has been applied to the 35th Ave NE and NE 75th Street intersection, the 25th Ave NE and NE 55th Street intersection, the 40th Ave NE and NE 55th Street intersection, and the NE 65th Street business district. The pedestrian zone provides for minimum ceiling heights on the ground floor (13 feet), prevents live/work units, and requires that ground-floor retail spaces have tenants that attract and encourage pedestrian activity, such as restaurants, shops, and gyms. The pedestrian zone also requires ground-floor retail to have amenities such as overhead weather protection (a canopy for pedestrians when walking along the sidewalk.)

Your Input Needed: Community Center Strategic Plan

This Saturday, June 20th 10am-noon at Seattle Center’s Fisher Pavilion (305 Harrison Street) the city’s Parks and Recreation Department will host a mini-summit to guide their citywide Community Center Strategic Plan. The agenda will be a short presentation followed by small break-out discussion groups.

Kids in a tube
We love playing at our local community center!

The endeavor is the beginning of a broader analysis called for in the 2014 Parks Legacy Plan, which lays out two goals for the city’s community centers:

  • Ensure community centers are focal points in our neighborhoods for connecting, building community and offering health and activity programming
  • Ensure community centers are physically emotionally safe and welcoming for all individuals

Seattle has 26 community centers with an operating budget of more than $11million annually. Each center has its own operating hours, activity and service offering, with programs and staffing often operated by the Associated Recreation Council.

The next steps after the June 20th meeting include an internal evaluation of the current staffing and programming followed by a draft plan for the future of facility and program planning. The process is scheduled to complete by the end of 2015. Read more about the process here.



Here at home in Ravenna Bryant, we’re fortunate to have nearby our own Ravenna Eckstein Community Center. RBCA board member David Ward sits on its Advisory Council. Ravenna Eckstein CC is also one of the busiest in the entire city, and yet we hear comments at the RBCA frequently that it isn’t meeting the needs of many would-be users.

So, whether or not you can attend the mini-summit this weekend, as the city’s planning process unfolds, now is a good time to begin thinking about what would help make Ravenna Eckstein CC a go-to place for you or your family. Here are some questions worth exploring:

  • Does the programming meeting my needs? Is there are variety of activities and programs for all ages, at times that make sense for me? What programs would draw me in to visit the CC more often?
  • Facility use. Would I use the CC for more passive uses such as internet or computer work? (PS – they just launched wireless internet!) Is it comfortable and safe? Do the tennis courts, the play ground, the fields have what I or my family are looking for?
  • Hours of operation. The overall CC hours across the city have declined in the last 5 years. What times of day would be most useful to you and your family and increase the likelihood that you might visit?
  • Is there the right balance between free and for-pay services? Many of the CC’s uses are free, but many programs have a fee in order to remain operable. What suggestions do you have about fees, and are there programs you’d like to see where you would be willing to pay for the fees to operate?
  • What’s the best part of our community center that you simply couldn’t live without?

Send us your thoughts in the comments, or at ravennabryant@gmail.com. Alternatively, you may send them directly to the city by emailing susan.golub@seattle.gov.


How should Ravenna-Bryant grow? Provide your comments by Thursday

Seattle 2035 is a yearlong, citywide conversation about change – where we’ve been, where we are now, and where we want to go over the next 20 years. By 2035, the city is expected to grow by 120,000 people and 115,000 jobs.

As part of this conversation, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was released and includes outlines of four growth alternatives. Community members are encouraged to provide their thoughts for how Seattle should grow over the next 20 years. Click here and provide your input by June 18.

Three types of urban villages
The drafted plan builds on the current Urban Village model and creates 3 types of urban villages.

1. Urban Center: very dense villages with housing and a high number of regional jobs. The University District is considered an urban center and includes the U-Village area, which is the southern part of Ravenna-Bryant.

2. Hub Urban Village: dense villages with a balance of housing and jobs.

3. Residential Urban Village: the least dense urban village with housing and local jobs. Roosevelt is considered a residential urban village. On average, residential urban villages are designated and zoned with a balanced mix of commercial/mixed use (31 percent), multi-family residential (33 percent) and single family residential (33 percent) zones. As with hub urban villages, land use designations and zoning vary between individual residential urban villages.

Four alternatives for growth
The DEIS proposes four different ways that the city can grow. Each would affect Ravenna-Bryant differently.

Alternative 1: Continue current trend (no action)
Growth will generally follow current market trends. Residential growth will continue in the urban village neighborhoods that have experienced significant growth in the past 20 years, with a relatively low level of change in other urban villages. New jobs would occur primarily in Downtown and South Lake Union.

For Ravenna-Bryant, this plan would continue residential growth patterns that we are currently witnessing. This alternative would increase residential growth.

Alternative 2: Guide growth to urban centers
Urban centers, like the University District, will become magnets that more strongly attract new residents and jobs faster than over the last 20 years. This change may lead to a significant rise in the number of people walking or biking to work, and a corresponding decline in driving and car ownership. Alternative 2 represents a significantly more concentrated pattern of new growth in the urban centers compared to past trends.

Since the southern part of R-B around U-Village would be part of an urban center, this alternative may significantly increase development in that area. Growth could be particularly substantial considering the area’s proximity to the Husky Stadium light rail station, the Burke-Gilman Trail, two major employers (UW and Children’s) and easy-to-access shopping.

Alternative 3: Guide growth to urban villages near light rail
This alternative puts an emphasis on growth in urban centers but also in urban villages near the light rail stations. It includes boundary adjustments to urban villages with light rail stations to encompass a 10-minute walk to the station.

Under alternative 3, the growth anticipated in urban centers would likely be a mix of mid-and high-rise development while growth in transit-oriented development nodes would likely be mid-rise. Areas of expanded urban villages would likely convert from existing lower intensity to higher intensity development. For example, if a light rail station is planned for an area currently zoned predominantly single-family, future land use actions would likely rezone the areas within a ¼ or ½ mile of the station to accommodate low-rise multifamily and possibly local-serving commercial uses.

Expansion of urban village boundaries could increase Roosevelt Urban Village to include Ravenna to about 22nd Ave NE (10 minute walk from Roosevelt Light Rail). Alternatives 3 and 4 project that housing would grow for 1500 people and jobs would increase by 1600 in the Roosevelt Urban Village. In areas outside of the urban villages, including the rest of Ravenna-Bryant, the overall development character and pattern would likely remain as currently exists. This means that residential growth would continue in most of R-B.

Alternative 4: Guide growth to urban villages near transit
Growth would take place in areas with the greatest number of transit-oriented places—served by either bus or rail. In addition to areas covered in alternative 3, more growth would also be concentrated in other urban villages that currently have very good bus service. Relatively more urban villages would be subject to increased growth and possible boundary changes.

Potential Impact on R-B:
• Expansion of urban village boundaries could expand the Roosevelt Urban Village to include Ravenna to about 22nd Ave NE, a 10 minute walk from Roosevelt Light Rail. See Alternative 3 above.
• The rest of Ravenna-Bryant would see a smaller share of residential growth than is currently occurring.

3 Ways to Play in Your Street this Summer

The City of Seattle has given us 3 ways to shut our streets down to cars for play and parties–Play Streets, National Night Out, and Block Parties.


The blue dot represents a current play street. The red dots are previous playstreets. Go to http://www.seattle.gov/transportation/playstreets.htm for the interactive map.

The Seattle Department of Transportation has a pilot program called Play Streets that will close your street down for play on a reoccurring basis.  In 2014, there was a block (shown to the left in the blue) that had a play street for every home Huskies football game. There is a nice Play Streets Handout you can pass around so we can get more dots on this map.



Earlier this week we reported on National Night Out funds being available.  National Night Out is sponsored by the Seattle Police Department as way to create community, and therefore deter crime.  National Night Out is always the first Tuesday of August and you can apply by going to SPD’s website.



As we reported last summer, if you decide that the first Tuesday in August for National Night Out isn’t a good time for your block to have a party, you can close your street down any time you wish as long as you follow the simple rules below:

  • Do not live on an arterial street,
  • Do not close your intersection,
  • Do not have a bus stop on your block,
  • Clean up and restore your street before 10pm,
  • Do not request more than one block party per month.


Funds available for neighborhood Night Out Against Crime activities

NightOut_logoOn Tuesday August 4, the City of Seattle will celebrate the 31st Annual Night Out Against Crime. The registration link for Night Out 2015 is: http://www.seattle.gov/police/nightout/default.htm.

Night Out is a national crime prevention event to heighten crime prevention awareness, increase neighborhood support in anti-crime efforts, and unite communities. Neighbor participation in Night Out continues to grow every year. In 2014, over 1,400 Night Out events were registered city-wide. It’s fun, it’s free and it’s a great chance to reconnect with neighbors and share information with each other while learning more about crime prevention. Getting together with your neighbors, re-committing to watch out for each other, and reaffirming you will report suspicious activity to police are ways to show you care about your community. You do not need to be in an active Block Watch to hold a Night Out event.

If your neighborhood plans to participate in the 31st Annual Night Out on August 4th, the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods has a fund to support your event. The Small Sparks Fund provides matching dollars for neighborhood-initiated projects that promote community engagement. Community groups can request up to $1000 to help fund Night Out planning and activities such as outreach efforts, educational fairs, bike parades, and neighborhood cleanups, to name a few. The deadline for applications is Monday, June 22 at 5:00 p.m. but you must register first by June 19 to apply.
For information on the application process, visit www.seattle.gov/neighborhoods/nmf/smallsparks.htm, or call 206-733-9916.

District 4 Candidate Forum June 17th

There is another opportunity later this month to hear from the five candidates running for office in the new District 4. Hosted at the beloved University Heights Center, you’ll have the opportunity to listen to candidates as well as submit questions to them in writing at the event.


Your Ravenna-Bryant Community Association is a proud co-sponsor alongside the Northeast District Council, Wedgwood Community Council, Roosevelt Neighborhood Association, University District Community Council, Laurelhurst Community Club, University Park Community Club, and Eastlake Community Council

Here are the details:

Seattle City Council District 4 – Candidates Forum

Wednesday, June 17th

University Heights Center, 5031 University Way NE, Room 209

The Forum will feature Seattle City Council District 4 Candidates including: Jean Godden, Rob Johnson, Michael Maddux, Abel Pacheco & Tony Provine. (Please note since the last forum we posted on, a new candidate, Pacheco, has entered the race and another, Lagos, has dropped out.)

6:00 p.m. Mix and mingle and enjoy snacks

6:30-8:00 p.m. Candidate forum

Funded with support from the Department of Neighborhoods Neighborhood Matching Fund. Support also provided by the University Heights Center.

Access to the 2nd floor of UHC is by chairlift, please allow extra time if you are someone who may need to use this option. 

For more information, look for updates here or on the NEDC website.  Want to volunteer for set-up or take-down? Contact Gabrielle Gerhard at ggerhard1@gmail.com

Better know a neighborhood: Ravenna-Bryant

As anyone concerned with the overcrowding in NE Seattle schools can tell you: the number of children living in our community has grown over the past several years. Between 2000 and 2010, Ravenna-Bryant households with people under 18 years old increased by 14%, compared to 9% citywide. One quarter of R-B households now include one or more persons under the age of 18 living in them, compared to 20% citywide.

At the same time, households with people 65 years or older increased by 2% and make up 17% of the R-B population, similar to citywide population. The total population of our neighborhood increased by 8% to just over 24,000 people.

Why is this important? Because our neighborhood, along with our city, is expected to continue growing for the foreseeable future. It’s a rather safe bet that the number of households with children will continue to grow. Ravenna-Bryant is fortunate to be home to desirable schools, is relatively safe, and scores high for walkability, making it attractive to families.

In fact, Ravenna is listed as one of the city’s ten best neighborhoods in the April 2015 edition of SeattleMet magazine in part because of good schools and parks:

Not only was Ravenna the most competitive Seattle housing market in 2014, it was one of the top 10 hottest neighborhoods in the country, according to a Redfin report. Homes stayed on the market for an average of just seven days, with an overall 11 percent increase in home value from the previous year.

Its old age in part makes the neighborhood so desirable, with its Craftsman and Tudor homes built mostly before 1940. Close proximity to the University District doesn’t hurt either, nor do the parks and highly ranked schools.

As a city, we are planning for significant population and job growth over the next 20 years. Ravenna-Bryant will need to do the same. And since every neighborhood it unique, it’s important that we create plans that meet the needs of specific neighborhoods — one size does not fit all. Knowing that families find R-B a desirable place to live, planning efforts can ensure that the needs of children and families continue to be met.

Ravenna-Bryant residents try biking to work

May was Bike Month in Seattle, a time when people are encouraged to try biking to and from work.

This year, statistics were shared about who biked and where they biked. It turns out that a large number of people in Ravenna-Bryant and surrounding area (zip codes 98105 and 98115) biked to and from work in May.

In 98115, 821 residents participated in Bike Month (pledging to bike at least four round-trips during the month) and logged 8,900 total trips. In 98105, 505 residents participated and logged a total of 5,656 total trips. The adjacent zip code of 98103 had the largest number of participants in the city: 1,148.

Zip code 98115 is home to 821 people who biked to work in May.

In addition to a large number of cyclists living in our area, 98105 is also where a large number (784) of Bike Month participants work. The large number is mostly linked with UW and Children’s; they were the businesses with the most participants in the city.

June 10th: Ravenna’s Past – Present – Future

Old Ravenna Shot 1950s
20th Ave NE, early 1950s
Ravenna Present (Bryant Heights)
Bryant Heights Project, NE 65th

Next Wednesday, June 10th, North East Seattle Together – a hyperlocal grassroots volunteer organization that provides support, information and community to older residents – will sponsor an evening discussion on the past and future of our beloved Ravenna.

The Ravenna-Bryant Community Association’s own Sarah Swanberg will speak alongside local historian Ann Wendell about Ravenna’s unique history as well as guide a discussion envisioning its future to come. Generously hosted by Third Place Books.

June 10th, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at Third Place Books (6504 20th Ave NE)

Come to mingle, learn and connect. All are welcome.

This talk is just one in an ongoing series through northeast Seattle neighborhoods presented by NEST. For more on their events and their mission, visit their website.

Interested in learning more about potential land use changes in Ravenna? Read our blog post and mark your calendar for the 35th Avenue NE Rezone meeting, June 24th at 5:30 p.m.

Save the date: 35th Ave NE rezone public meeting, June 24

The Seattle Department of Planning and Development (DPD) issued the following Save the Date, to be accompanied by a postcard mailing to many residences within the vicinity of the 35th Ave NE business district.

Are you interested in a more vibrant 35th Ave NE?

Would you like to see more retail at the 65th, 75th, 85th, and 95th Street business districts?

Come discuss your thoughts with representatives from the City of Seattle’s Department of Planning and Development (DPD) on June 24th from 5:30-7:30pm at Congregation Beth Shalom (6800 35th Ave NE).

DPD staff will provide a brief overview of potential zoning changes intended to foster a more eclectic retail environment along 35th Ave and be available to both answer questions and take individual comments.

To sign up for our (e)mailing list and receive email updates click here: http://eepurl.com/bn15Af. For more information contact Ryan Moore at 206.233.2537 or ryan.moore@seattle.gov.

Why is DPD hosting this meeting? Last year, the 35th Ave Committee requested the city include funding for a legislative rezone of the 35th Ave Business District following the zoning recommendations that were presented in the final Future 35th Ave NE Plan, which was approved by the Ravenna-Bryant Community Association and the Wedgwood Community Council. The zoning recommendations presented in this plan were developed following significant community feedback and engagement.

As part of our request to the City and the City’s legislative rezone process, the Department of Planning and Development reviewed and revised community zoning recommendations based on their technical analyses and zoning standards. On June 24th, DPD will present the results of their review and solicit additional feedback on their legislative rezone proposal. The City’s proposed rezone differs from the recommendations presented in the Future 35th Ave NE Plan.

Please help get the word out by letting your neighbors know about this upcoming meeting and opportunity to be involved. Our city and our neighborhood are going to change within the next twenty years.  This is one opportunity to have your voice heard about how a part of our community changes.

Tuesday: RBCA Monthly Meeting

Your Ravenna-Bryant Community Association will hold its regular monthly meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) evening, 7-9pm at the Ravenna Eckstein Community Center. The board will be discussing two critical topics and your input is needed.

First, new board President Inga Manskopf (read a recap of our annual meeting including new board list here) will lead a discussion on the board’s collective vision for the RBCA and our broader Ravenna-Bryant community. Some of the issues to be discussed include: what is our role in how best to gracefully grow our fantastic neighborhoods; what can be done to encourage more member participation; in what ways can we work for safer and more walkable neighborhoods; on which projects in our area should we lead?

Following this, Vice President Jorgen Bader will engage the attendees on a conversation around significant proposed changes to Metro’s bus routes in our area, including new routes to the Husky Stadium light rail station and the dissolution of route #71. For more on this topic, visit Metro’s website here.

Here’s the full draft agenda for tomorrow evening:

7:00  Introductions

7:05  Board Reports

  • Secretary’s Report: Minutes for April and May
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Land Use Committee Report
  • Transportation Committee Report

7:20  The Future of Our Community: RBCA Vision

7:35  Proposed Changes to Metro Services

8:00  NEDC Candidate Forum, June 17, 7pm, University Heights Center

  • Email vote results
  • RBCA Board representation
  • Publicity

8:10  RBCA & Political Speech

8:20  Reports from Associated Community Groups

  • Northeast District Council
  • SCCF
  • Ravenna-Eckstein Advisory Council
  • North Precinct Advisory Council

o   New North Precinct Open House June 6www.seattle.gov/northprecinctstation

o   Precinct Picnic July 11, Ballard Commons

o   National Night Out August 4www.seattle.gov/police/nightout/

Hope to see you tomorrow. All are welcome!

Open House 5/19: North-South High Capacity Transit

The Seattle Department of Transportation is hosting open houses to solicit feedback on proposed routing for high-capacity transit from Northgate to Downtown. Your input will help inform the results of a year-long study of all the different options for North-South high capacity transit in our area. The corridor SDOT is looking at specifically is Northgate-Maple Leaf-Roosevelt-U District-Eastlake-SLU-Downtown, and includes options for walking, biking, driving transit and freight.

The open house is next Tuesday, May 19th 6-8pm at the UW Tower, Cafeteria North.

High Capacity Open House 5.15

More information at www.seattle.gov/transportation/roosevelthct.htm.

Couldn’t make the RBCA annual meeting? Here’s what you missed.

We had a great turnout on Tuesday evening at the Ravenna Eckstein Community Center’s gymnasium, as more than 50 people gathered to talk about community, safety and more in Ravenna Bryant. Below is a summary of the meeting’s highlights for those who could not attend.

Guest Speakers from the Seattle Police Department

Assistant Police Chief Wilske spoke with the audience about his tenure in the department (more than 30 years,) SPD’s new emphasis on micro community policing, and touched on the work underway related to the use of excessive force findings by federal investigators. Wilske then addressed community concerns about whether SPD staffing is sufficient, saying that a third-party consultant is currently evaluating the department’s needs and will have an assessment and recommendations in the near future. He spoke highly of Mr. Greg Russell – Amazon transplant – who is using technology to create efficiencies, greater transparency and improved communications between the police and the public. By way of example, Wilske pointed to forthcoming improvements to the SeaStat website, which will soon offer hyper-local crime statistics to users in real-time.

Wilske moved on to audience questions/comments, captured below:

  • Please increase ticketing and enforcement for cars neglecting to yield to pedestrians along 65th
  • Check that bicycles are stopping at designated signs at Burke Gilman Trail crossings
  • Drivers aren’t slowing sufficiently in school zones
  • Will the city fully fund the Crime Prevent Coordinator team?
  • Praise for May Day squad
  • Please enforce illegal red light running taking place on Sand Point near Magnuson Park
  • Can SPD help evaluate my home for theft/burglary/break-in potential?

Captain Sean O’Donnell, just three weeks into this new position as North Precinct Commander, gave brief welcoming remarks to the crowd.

Next, Lieutenant George Bray from SPD’s 911 call center led an in-depth discussion about the whens, whys, and hows of calling 911. Lt. Bray’s rule of thumb? Call 911 for any reason YOU believe deserves expedited police service.  For all the specifics on how 911 calls are prioritized and handled, check out Board Chair Inga Manskopf’s recent post dedicated to this very topic.

The Seattle Police Department also has a twitter feed for each police ‘beat’ that you can follow to see what crimes have been reported. Follow our beat at @SeattlePD Union3. Please note that the Twitter feeds aren’t manned by personnel, and in the case of an emergency, never report via Twitter; always dial 911.

Business Meeting of the RBCA Board of Directors

The Annual Meeting is also a time when Board elections are held. Outgoing President Tony Provine read the names of all nominated members on the ballot. The new executive board and at-large members were voted in unanimously. Your 2015-2016 RBCA Board Members are:

  • President: Inga Manskopf
  • Vice-President: Jorgen Bader
  • Treasurer: Sarah Swanberg
  • Secretary: David Katz
  • At Large:
    • Barb Edquist
    • Chris Fiori
    • Brett Frosaker
    • Virginia Gunby
    • Katherine Fountain Mackinnon
    • Josephine Pompey
    • Tony Provine
    • Sarah Rathbone
    • David Ward

Congratulations to the Board! And to ensure your voice is represented to the city and elsewhere by your RBCA, please attend our monthly meetings which occur the first Tuesday of each month, 7p.m. at the Ravenna Eckstein Community Center. For more on our work plan, please see board member Chris Fiori’s fantastic draft work plan (WorkplanDraft_May 2015), and contact us with more ideas or to become involved!


The meeting adjourned shortly before 8:30p.m.

For more coverage of the annual meeting, check out Ravenna Blog’s post on the evening. 


Tell your favorite restaurateur about Bryant Heights


**UPDATE** We have received this message today, June 8th, 2015 about the status of the restaurant application process:  “Thank you to the community members who have given input on the types of restaurants you would like to see at the new Bryant Heights development.  One of our most successful experiences was a community member telling a restaurant about opportunities at Bryant Heights. The restaurant called their Broker and had them contact us.  We had good discussions and in the end the restaurant operator decided the opportunity was not the right fit for them.  Please keep talking to your favorite restaurants and encouraging them to check us out.  We appreciate the community input and help in finding some restaurant concepts that will be great additions the neighborhood”


Polygon Northwest, the developers of the Bryant Heights project, would like the neighborhood to have a say in what kind of restaurant (or retail) should go into the two “bookend” spaces on NE 65th, on the corners of 32nd and 34th Avenue NE.  Neighbors are encouraged to print out/email this PDF (Leasing_Bryant_Heights) and take it to your favorite restaurateur.


commercial_ABoth commercial spaces are over 2,000 square feet and include outdoor eating space.  There will be a total of 10 car parking spaces and parking for 73 bikes on NE 65th, 32nd NE, 34th NE, as well as inside the garage.


Corner of 34th

In a survey that RBCA did in late 2013, 75% of the people who patronized businesses on NE 65th lived within 10 blocks, and new businesses opening along will make it easier for people to go to restaurants and stores without having to fight traffic.  Also, the number of families in RBCA has increased in the past ten years, and many of those bike or walk to school.   New restaurants in our neighborhood that cater to the walk/bike crowd are already coming to NE 45th and further west on 65th.

35th_plan_65_nodeThe 35th Ave Committee’s final report also clearly shows that the neighborhood would like to see more viable retail and a more walkable business district.  Although the Bryant Heights project is not on 35th Ave NE itself, it is still considered part of the 35th Ave Business District.  Very little new development with commercial space is being built in our neighborhood, so this is a rare opportunity to take part in shaping the future of our community.

What would YOU like to see in this new commercial space?  Please help spread the word by telling your neighbors and talking to your favorite restaurateurs.

Bryant Elementary wants you to have a Blast!

Please considering visiting Bryant Elementary (3311 NE 60th)  on Saturday, May 9th from 1-5 pm for their annual school carnival – The Bryant Blast! Threre will be magic shows, carnival games, pony rides, craft booths, face painting, tasty sno cones, awesome raffle baskets, and much much more. The raffle baskets are always a big hit, and you can now buy tickets online to support the school.
Students looking for community service hours are encouraged to volunteer at the Blast. Use their Community Volunteer SignUp Page to reserve your volunteer slot.


On May 5, learn about what happens when you call 9-1-1

Next Tuesday, May 5, the Ravenna-Bryant Community Association’s annual meeting will focus on public safety. In addition to hearing from new Assistant Chief Wilske, leaders from the 9-1-1 call center will provide information about how the 9-1-1 system works and take questions from community members.

One topic they will discuss is when and how to call 9-1-1. Following is some information from their website.

You Should call 9-1-1 . . .
• When you have a Police, Fire or Medical emergency.
• There is a situation that could, or does, pose a danger to life, property or both.
• There is a suspicious activity involving a person(s) or vehicle that appears to have criminal intent.
• Any situation that requires immediate dispatch of an officer.

Remain calm and patient while the 9-1-1 calltaker asks you questions. 9-1-1 calltakers are trained to ask specific questions that quickly determine what is wrong, and what type of assistance to send.

Be Prepared for the following questions . . .
1. WHERE did this occur? Did it happen on the street, inside, outside, in front or in back, etc?

• An exact street address is best. Look at numbers posted on buildings around you. View the street signs to provide hundred-block or intersection information.
• If you are driving, be aware of the road or highway on which you are traveling. Look for landmarks or businesses that are very near to your location.
• It is a very good idea to post your address and phone number near your telephone. In an emergency situation is it easy to forget the most basic of information.

2. WHAT happened?

3. WHEN did this occur? Is the event still in progress?

Let the 9-1-1 Calltaker ask the questions
Even if the calltaker’s questions seem unrelated or repetitious, let the calltaker lead the conversation and answer their questions. Calltakers are trained to gather information in a certain order to quickly assess the situation and decide what assistance is best to help you. They may need to clarify a previous answer, or may already be aware of the situation you are reporting and need to find out if you have any additional information.

To learn more and have your questions answered, participate in the annual meeting on Tuesday, May 5, 7:00 p.m., at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center. All RBCA meetings are open to the public.

Burglaries, traffic safety among problems addressed by SPD’s policing plan for Ravenna-Bryant

Earlier this week, the Seattle Police Department (SPD) released Micro Community Policing Plans with the goal of addressing crimes of specific concern to each community. The plans are informed by SeaStat, a system launched in August 2014 to analyze real-time data and increase communication and cooperation throughout SPD.

The Micro Community Policing Plan for Ravenna-Bryant includes other neighborhoods including Roosevelt. Among identified community crime-related priorities are burglaries, drug use at Cowen Park, and traffic safety.

Burglaries: Among proposed solutions for reducing burglaries, the plan calls for the North Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator to conduct more outreach and provide people with burglary prevention information.  Burglary prevention information is also available online.

Drug use at Cowen Park: Among proposals to reduce drug use at Cowen Park, the plan calls for more bike patrols and outreach to Roosevelt High School about students using drugs in the park during lunch break.

Traffic safety: The plan calls for additional outreach by the North Precinct Community Police Team and Crime Prevention Coordinator to educate people about pedestrian and bike safety. It also calls for working more closely with the community to identify places of particular concern and then requesting assistance from the Traffic Section of SPD to work in the areas.

The Ravenna-Bryant Community Association would like to hear from you: Does this plan reflect your neighborhood crime-related concerns? Leave a message in the comment section below. Or, better yet, have your concerns heard directly by SPD and attend RBCA’s May 5 annual meeting. It will start at 7:00 p.m. at Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center.