Information about recent purse snatching shared during Precinct Advisory Council meeting

During the March North Precinct Advisory Council (NPAC) meeting, Captain Robin Clark provided information about the arrest of the purse snatcher who recently robbed a few people in the Ravenna-Bryant neighborhood.  He is a “known burglar” and was caught with the help of several bystanders who pointed which way he was running after snatching his last purse.  Deputy Prosecutor David Baker from the King County Prosecutor’s Office reported that the purse snatcher was charged with robbery in the second degree with bail was set at $250K.

Mr. Baker also reported that in response to a high recidivism rate in King County (40% of people released from prison return to prison within three years) the Prosecutor’s Office recently released a report about the problem:,

A few other meeting highlights include:

  • In 2012, 164 burglars were arrested in the North Precinct.  Citizens are encouraged to call 911 if they see suspicious behavior.
  • Judy Lewis from the Liquor Control Board noted that theft of liquor from grocery stores is still a problem but more stores are locking it up.
  • City Councilmember Nick Licata spoke about a variety of issues facing the City.

A summary of the Councilmember’s remarks appear in the March NPAC minutes.  (NPAC minutes are posted monthly in the Crime Prevention section of this website.)