
Amended bylaws were approved by the RBCA on April 18, 2017.


Ravenna-Bryant Community Association (RBCA) activities are guided by a common vision for the future: Ravenna-Bryant is a welcoming, thriving, safe, diverse, and connected neighborhood.

Article 1: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Ravenna-Bryant Community Association (RBCA).

Article II: Purpose of the Association

To represent the interests of the Ravenna-Bryant community RBCA:

Article III: Purpose of the Board

To create a stronger community, RBCA elects a Board whose members guide association activities. The RBCA board:

Article IV: Geographical Area

RBCA shall serve the area of the city of Seattle within the following boundaries:

Article V: Membership and Dues

Article VI: Board, Board Meetings, and Board Duties

a. The Board shall meet monthly at a regularly scheduled time and place designated by the President. The President may call additional meetings when needed.

b. All meetings of the Board are open to everyone.

c. A quorum for board meeting votes shall be six members of the Board.

d. Decisions of the Board are approved by a simple majority of members present, unless noted elsewhere in the by-laws.

e. When decisions must be made prior to a board meeting, they may be made via email. Any motion for an email vote must be sent to all board members’ email on file, include a deadline of no less than five (5) days and be seconded before discussion commences and voting occurs. When a decision is needed in less than five days, the email will include a motion requesting immediate action. Board members must reply to all to discuss and vote on a motion. The vote will be recorded in the next meeting’s minutes. E-mail voting should only occur when necessary and due to time constraints.

a. Actively seek members that represent the diversity of the community including but not limited to race, ethnicity, age, gender, income, and residence type to sit on the board and/or committees.

b. Perform duties on behalf of the community as defined in the Article III: Purpose of the Board.

c. Attend a majority of the RBCA board meetings. Any Board member with three (3) unexcused absences in a row or four (4) unexcused absences within a year will no longer be considered a member of the Board.

d. Appoint representatives to committees and recommend individuals to various governmental/agency bodies for appointment to committees.

e. Review all work of the committees and of community liaisons.

f. Approve the disbursement of funds.

g. Propose statements of position and/or endorse policies relating to issues of interest to the community. Such statements shall be presented for approval at monthly Board meetings or through email when decisions must be made before the next Board meeting (see Article VI: e. email voting). Position statements and policy endorsements require a two-thirds majority vote of the Board. Individual Board member’s votes on endorsements and policy statements will be recorded upon request.

Article VII: Officers and Their Duties

a. The President shall preside at meetings and serve as chief executive coordinating all activities and programs of the organization.

b. The Vice-President shall serve in the absence of the President and shall plan and organize or oversee general membership meetings serving as program chairman.

c. The Secretary shall maintain a permanent file of all minutes including individual votes on conflicts of interest, and the outcome of electronic votes, unfinished business, and records utilized in the business of the organization. The secretary shall organize clerical services for the organization including keeping a roster of attendance at all meetings.

d. The Treasurer shall maintain accounting records, receive and disburse funds, prepare financial statements as required by the Board or President, and shall propose criteria for expenditure limits to the Board.

 Article VIII: Elections

Article IX: General Membership/Community Meetings 

Article X: Committees

Article XI: Amendment of By-Laws