Special Focus

RBCA board members conduct activities with the vision of creating and sustaining a welcoming, thriving, safe, diverse, and connected neighborhood. Most activities focus on land use, transportation, and public safety.

Land Use Committee

The RBCA Land Use Committee monitors zoning and development issues both inside the Ravenna-Bryant area and in “gateway” neighborhoods that surround it – including Roosevelt, the University District and Laurelhurst.

RBCA is represented on the City/University Community Advisory Committee (CUCAC), which advises the City and the University on the physical development of the greater University area.

Transportation Committee

The RBCA Transportation Committee helps address local transportation issues with particular focus on increasing transit options and improving pedestrian safety. Recent advocacy activities led to the installation of sidewalks on NE 50th Street and, as part of the #Fix65th coalition, pedestrian safety improvements on NE 65th Street.

Public Safety

RBCA promotes public safety in the Ravenna-Bryant neighborhoods by sending a representative to North Precinct Advisory Council (NPAC) meetings and sharing information. NPAC meets on the first Wednesday of the month. More information is available through the NPAC blog.

Emergency Preparedness

RBCA’s emergency preparedness efforts focus on helping our community be ready to respond to emergencies. RBCA has run a “Tasks a Month” program and members participate in various city-wide emergency preparedness exercises with other communities and city representatives.