Share your concerns about walking, biking, driving, and transit in Ravenna-Bryant

Neighborhood Greenways make it safe and easy for everyone to get around the cityThe Ravenna-Bryant Community Association (RBCA) board of directors recently adopted a vision to guide activities. The vision puts in words what we would like Ravenna-Bryant to be like in 10-20 years.

Vision: Ravenna-Bryant is a welcoming, thriving, safe, diverse, and connected neighborhood.

One of the elements that impacts if our community is welcoming, thriving, safe, diverse, and connected is how people who live and work here, and those who visit our community, get around. The environment for walkers, bikers, motor vehicle drivers, and transit users is important for the future of our community.

So that RBCA can plan for a safe and welcoming environment for all to get around our community, we are establishing a plan that identifies current problems, identifies solutions that have worked for similar problems, and includes an action plan for implementing and advocating for solutions.
We are currently collecting information about specific problems in the Ravenna-Bryant community. (Please refer to the RBCA map to determine if a problem is located within our neighborhood.) We have collected information from previous surveys conducted by RBCA and the City of Seattle, through community and RBCA board meetings, and from our neighbors. We are now reaching out for more input.

Please click here to take the survey by April 30, 2016. You may take the survey as many times as needed.

Some problems already identified:
  • Unsafe walking and biking all around University Village. Unsafe connection for bicyclists between neighborhood streets and Burke-Gilman Trail. Some areas don’t have sidewalks or sidewalks in poor condition.
  • Unsafe pedestrian crossing at un-marked crosswalks along NE 55th, NE 65th, and NE 75th Streets.
  • Unsafe pedestrian crossing at un-marked crosswalks along 25th Avenue NE.
  • Unsafe pedestrian environments on some neighborhood streets because of speeding cars.
  • Insufficient car parking on 35th Avenue NE on weekends. Few places for bikes to park.
  • Motor vehicle traffic on NE 65th Street during rush hour.
  • Cars backed up at major intersections with no left-turn traffic signals.
  • Insufficient car parking around Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center when events in progress.
  • Unsafe bicycle environment along NE 65th Street, especially at 15th Avenue NE.
  • Unsafe bicycle environment along 35th Avenue NE.
  • Cars park too close to crosswalks/corners making it difficult for pedestrians, bikers, and motor vehicle drivers to safely cross street, especially along 35th Avenue NE.
  • No sidewalks along NE 85th Street.
Jean Amick

Clark Rd north side on campus needs curb cut so cyclists can use sidewalk/Ped light safely thru 5 corners instead of middle of 3 lanes traffic.